Friday, February 7, 2020

Summary of New Cardiovascular Drug Article Essay

Summary of New Cardiovascular Drug Article - Essay Example This is a disease of the cardiovascular system and the heart in particular. The physiological system under discussion in this article is the cardiovascular system. In general, the cardiovascular system is the main element that is concerned with the transportation of substances around the body and hence enhancing the exchange process. Substances like nutrients wastes, gases- oxygen and carbon dioxide are passed across the cells and the cell function is sustained (Marieb & Hoehn 2007). The cells form the body tissues while the tissues constitute organs and organs form the organ systems. The heart is cone shaped and lies on the side of the diaphragm inclined to the right side (shoulder) and having the widest part upwards. Its about the size of a fist roughly 9cm in width and 12 cm long. The muscles provide the force of pumping blood as it's the biological pump pericardium covers the whole heart. Heart muscles are specially designed for the pumping purpose and are called cardiac muscles. The muscles are striated and connected to form almost one block termed syncytium. The heart is divided into right and left chambers and further into two auricles and two ventricles. Ventricles pump blood outside the heart and heart valves direct their flow (Marieb & Hoehn 2007). Cardiovascular system also includes the blood

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